Jan 29, 2019
Episode 50 features the incredibly busy, yet so fun to talk to, author L.M. Riviere. We discuss her inspirations and aspirations for her debut epic fantasy novel, The Sons of Mil. She spills a bit about her love for Lord of the Rings and television of the '80s and we ask her the most dreaded question for any author!...
Jan 22, 2019
After a long bout of illness and technical issues, we're back with our first Author Sample Chapter of 2019! Lee Blauersouth (pronounced just as it looks) is a mental health therapist and comic creator from Minnesota who joins us with her first novel in the Second Sentinels series. We discuss her history in comics...
Jan 9, 2019
After a brief hiatus, Jason takes us on a journey looking back at all of the amazing authors who've come on the show in the last half of 2018 including a few notable celebrities! He also touches on goals for 2019 and some big changes coming soon!